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Meditation - 1st Sunday in Lent Year A
Meditation - 1st Sunday in Lent Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation – 1st Sunday in Lent Year A Join the rest of the world! Matthew 4:1-11 Sometimes, just for the fun of it, I sit on a high point and look down on everyone, like the top of a mountain, or my favourite place, the pinnacle of the temple. I spend hours trying to spot one pe…
Good Friday
Good Friday
by Tim Coleman
Green Hill with 3 crosses, long shadows, violent sky, two silhouette figures (Mary and John) Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image is full size which is 1595 x 2329 pixels and 1.4MB The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- …
Puppets for Jesus - Planting your seeds
Puppets for Jesus - Planting your seeds
by Puppets for Jesus
Planting your seeds? Bible reference: Galatians 6:7 What are you sowing? - Puppets: Dad, Boy, 2 Girls. Rachel: Exciting isn’t it planting seeds and waiting for things to grow? Mark: Yep, sure is. Bethany: What have you planted, Rachel? Rachel: I planted some Beetroot, some carrot…
Puppets for Jesus - Lion's Den Report
Puppets for Jesus - Lion's Den Report
by Puppets for Jesus
The Lions Den Report Bible Reference: Daniel 6 A wry look at the Daniel in the den story, reviewed in the style of a series of football post match interviews. Puppets: J. Mounsen = Mouse, Sven = Swedish Lion, Leo Beckham = Lion, Javed Seaman = Lion, JJ = Lion Cub (enter J.Mouson)…
Puppets for Jesus - Mr Noah's Lifeline Cruise, got your ticket?
Puppets for Jesus - Mr Noah's Lifeline Cruise, got your ticket?
by Puppets for Jesus
Mr. Noah’s Lifeline cruise, Got your ticket? Bible Reference: Genesis 6&7 The Ark of salvation from the flood, pictures those who have trusted in Jesus for their salvation. Created by Puppets for Jesus, for more information click here.
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Time Year A
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Time Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation- 4th Sunday of Easter Time Year B What’s in it for him? John 10: 1-13 I’ve been listening to Jesus quite a bit recently; whenever I can get away from work I have gone to find him, I’m quite intrigued by what he has to say, but there has always been this nagging doubt,…
Meditation - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Meditation - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
by David Middleton
Meditation – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B My Son, my son 2 Samuel 18: 33 Ephesians 5: 1-2 John 6: 51 David went up to his room and burst into tears. “My son, my son; if only I could have died instead of you! I told them to be kind to you I told them not to harm you. They did…
Weeping woman, widowed, wailing